Our days were a blur. Our son only took 30-minute cat naps. He was exhausted and I was depressed. I left my work behind, my laundry unattended, and my life in chaos. One morning at 5 A.M., I found myself trying to rock my son to sleep, after he had already been up for 2 hours. Something had to change.
Hi, I’m Ting Ting!
This is my journey to regain sleep and sanity.
As the founder and owner of Ting Ting Child Sleep Consulting, I get the privilege of helping parents around the world to create culturally appropriate and bilingual (English and Mandarin) sleep solutions for their families.
Before moving to the U.S., I spent two decades of my life in China, where co-sleeping is embedded in the culture.
In fact, up until I was 7 years old and my sister was 3, the whole family (all 4 of us!) slept in the same bed. It’s not that we couldn’t afford another bed; parents co-sleeping with their kids was just the norm. As a result, I didn’t feel like I had any privacy during my childhood.
When I got pregnant, I was determined to let my son sleep in his own crib. But…
“That’s impossible! Babies naturally sleep better when they co-sleep!” my mother exclaimed when she heard my plan.
Right after my son was born, I soon discovered that he was a terrible napper and an incredibly sensitive sleeper. Between the multiple 30-minute cat naps he took throughout the day, and the early 5 A.M. wakings, it wasn’t long before his irregular sleep schedule threw my schedule out of order.
Even with help from a newborn care specialist, every time when I feed or rock my son back to sleep in the middle of the night, I doubt my decision of not co-sleeping.
Was my mom right? Should I co-sleep? Was he waking up because of digestive problems? Was he really hungry?
This stream of questions, compounded with a heap of self-doubts and my mother’s guilt, overwhelmed me as a new parent. I became the worst version of myself, picking fights with my husband, and hated the feeling of losing control.
Five months in, I was still searching for answers. Then, I made the best decision in motherhood – hiring a child sleep consultant.
After only 3 nights of sleep training, my son slept through the night from 7 P.M. to 7 A.M.
Two weeks later, all of his naps fell into place.
I went from having only an hour to myself during the day to 4 hours of free time, and felt like I could finally breathe again.
After regaining this sense of normalcy in my life, I started noticing how many of my friends were experiencing problems with their children’s sleep patterns and erratic sleep schedules. Some wanted to end co-sleeping; others were exhausted by non-stop night wakings.
Encouraged by my career coach, I decided to make a bold career change – to become a certified Child Sleep Consultant to help other families. Propelled by my passion and purpose, I enrolled in the certification program at the Family Sleep Institute founded by Deborah Pedrick, a pioneer in Child Sleep Consulting. Through the program, I learned comprehensive, evidence-based pediatric sleep solutions to help parents establish and maintain a healthy sleep foundation for their children. Upon completion, I immediately began putting my newfound knowledge into practice – meeting different households, getting to know parents of all backgrounds, and supporting children of all ages.
Working with families to reclaim their rest has been the most rewarding job I’ve ever had and I am loving every second of it.
I look forward to sharing in your journey next.
More than a Sleep Nerd…
My Favorite Books
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Norwegian Wood by HarukiMurakami
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Most Recent Discovery
There was a whale who spent its entire life in solitude calling out at a frequency that is different from any other whale. So sad!
My Favorite Films
Before Sunrise
Black Cat, White Cat
In the Mood for Love
Current Celebrity Crush
Oscar Issac
Dev Patel!
Restaurant Picks in LA
Sichuan Impression
My Guilty Pleasure
Eating ice cream while watching Friends for the 100th time
Don’t Tell Anyone But...
I eat pizza crust as snacks
I want to dip everything in butter
I can wiggle my pinky toe
My Wildest Dream
To found a Help Hotline service for women with Postpartum Depression in China❤️
More Credentials
“Adult Sleep: Sleep Well To Live Well” Training
with Dr Wendy Troxel
"Inclusivity-Working with LGBTQ+ Community" Training
with long-time child care specialist Paige Chasse
“Twins and Multiples” Training
with Alanna McGinn - the host of the ‘This Girl Loves Sleep’ podcast and author of ‘This Baby Loves Sleep’
“Sleep and Children with Autism” Training
with Dr Annette Estes
"Mindfulness & Sleep Consulting" Six Session Series
with Katie Kovaleski - Certified Growth Mindset Life Coach